Driving Growth and Innovation for a Safer and Brighter Future

Complete financial solutions that drive innovation, increase operations, and deliver sustainable long-term growth.

Complete Financial Solutions (OTC: CFSU)

is a conglomerate, holding corporation that provides complete financial solution's for several company's in the Aerospace, Defense Sector, Digital Assets, Energy, Entertainment, Real Estate, and the Outdoor Recreation Economy.

Proven Track Record

We have decades of delivering measurable results across multiple business sectors.

Tailored Solutions

Customized financial strategies that fit your unique business challenges and goals.

Expert Team

Success starts with great leaders using their connections, expertise, and guided solutions.

Long-Term Impact

Our approach focuses on creating sustainable financial growth and long-lasting success.

Driving Growth and Innovation for a Brighter Future

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Our Services

We work closely with company's to identify, and to address the investment capital needs to support their rapid business growth. We provide financing for companies to purchase inventory or assets, launch new markets, complete acquisitions, conducts public offerings, and more.

See the industry sectors that we support!

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North American Real Estate market is expected to reach a value of USD 151.15 trillion in 2025
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The US Defense Market size is estimated at USD 320.86 billion in 2025
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The North American electricity market value is projected at more than $325 billion in 2025
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The global cryptocurrency market cap value in 2025 is more than $3.06 trillion

Our success is built on delivering measurable results for our shareholders, our business holdings, and our clients. With a proven track record across multiple high gross industries, we help businesses grow, streamline operations, and achieve long-term profitability.

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Recent News & Filings

Recent News and Filings
Recent News and Filings
Recent News and Filings

Our Mission

Complete Financial Solutions' mission is to serve companies and projects focused on National and Economic Security Priorities.

Our team creates the strategies and partnerships with government, military, and law enforcement agencies that accelerate the initiatives that are needed for assuring the security and safety of our great nation.

U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Navy
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Marines
U.S. Army
U.S. Space Force
Homeland Security
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Our Executive Team

Our team is an experienced group of professionals dedicated to helping business's thrive. With expertise in strategy, finance, operations, legistics, tokenomics, Token Offerings, IPO's, Mergers, and Acquisitions.

Jeff Gabrelcik
Jeff GabrelcikChief Executive Officer & Director
Abe Arnous
Abe ArnousPresident and Real Estate CEO
David Natan
David NatanChief Financial Officer
Frederick M. Lehrer, P.A.
Frederick M. Lehrer, P.A.Corporate Securities Counsel
Brad Hoffman
Brad HoffmanHead of Capital Markets
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Our Advisory Board

Our advisory board is dedicated to helping your business thrive. With expertise in strategic growth and finance, commercial real estate, military and political partnership's, domestic and foreign defense strategies.

Dr. John Gay
Dr. John GayLaw Enforcement, Defense, Domestic & Foreign Relations Advisor
Steve Reichert
Steve ReichertMilitary & Political Advisor
James Lockard
James LockardMilitary, Political, Outdoorsmen Advisor
Richard Sanford
Richard SanfordMilitary & Aerospace Advisor
David K. Simmons
David K. SimmonsMilitary & Political Advisor
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Advisory Board Cont.

Our advisory board is dedicated to helping your business thrive. With expertise in strategic growth and finance, aerospace, defense, foreign relations, outdoor recreation and sports industry, military and political partnership's, casino and hospitality management.

Steve Kwast, Lieutenant General (ret) USAF
Steve Kwast, Lieutenant General (ret) USAFAerospace, Defense, Military and Outdoorsmen Advisor
Ken Tapp
Ken TappOutdoorsmen Advisor, Capital Markets and M&A Advisor
Warren Richards
Warren RichardsReal Estate, Casino and Hospitality Advisor
Matt Sheldon
Matt SheldonCapital Markets, Media Relations and Political Advisor
Rich Jortberg
Rich JortbergEnergy, Commercial Real Estate, Foreign Relations and Political Advisor
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Let’s Talk!

Our team is a diverse group of business, political and military professionals dedicated to helping businesses thrive. Together, we drive measurable results and long-term success.

Complete Financial Solutions, Inc. (OTC: CFSU)
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Contact Us

Email: CFSU@CompleteFSU.com

Phone: 1-702-291-1922

Address: 101 Convention Center Dr, Suite 900, Las Vegas, NV 89109